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Yoga & Meditation workshop

Saturday 26th April 2014

'To control the mind is as difficult as controlling the air that flows all around.'

 (*Bhagavat Gita)



In our next workshop 'Master the Mind' we will explore yogic tools to manage and discipline the mind in day to day life.


'It is the mind that guides every action and reaction, idea and thought, desire and expectation in life. Mind is both, the motivating factor and the discouraging factor.'

(Sw. Niranjanananda)


Through the mind we experience our existence in this world and beyond. In order to govern and discipline the mind we need to understand it first. In this workshop you will explore the dynamics of the mind and mental processes. You will look at traditional and contemporary yogic practices that you can imbibe in your daily life which will help you to understand & master your mind, so to govern your internal & external experiences & expressions.



We will explore:


  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras - a treatise on the foundation of yoga. We will explore sutras 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.29 (see text boxes)

  • Pratipaksha Bhavana - Developing the opposite thought/feeling/attitude to create a positive efficient frame of mind

  • SWAN principle (by Sw. Niranjanananda) - Discover yourself honestly! 

  • 18 Ities (by Sw. Sivananda) - Explore the 18 virtues that will enable you to live a perfectly balanced, disciplined and fulfilling yogic life :)

  • Meditation practices: Pratyahara, Antar Mouna, Antar Darshan, Abstract meditation, Yoga Nidra


Time: 10am -  4.00pm


Price: £45 (Concession fees available.)


Location: The Yoga Room, 47 The Gardens, SE22 9QQ


As always a yummy Indian lunch with dal and rice and other goodies will be provided accompanied by lovely herbal tea!


Please feel free to phone or email for more details. It would be lovely if you can make it! 


Meanwhile remember: ​'You are you own friend and your own enemy. If you lead a life of self-control, you are your own friend. If you lack self-control, you are your own enemy.' *


ॐ ॐ ॐ



'Atha yoga anushasanam' - The first aim of yoga is to develop harmony through discipline and achieving a disciplined nature.

(Patanjali Yoga Sutras Ch. 1.1)


Discipline denotes a regulated pattern of thinking and behavior, and to focus and unite the dissipated energies. Discipline does not imply imposed restrictions but an awareness of the mental pattern that influence our external life. When mind, emotions and performance work together as one that is the attainment of yogic discipline. Yoga is the tool to achieve this.

'Yoga chitta vritti nirodhah' - Yoga is to govern the mind by managing the mental modifications (vrittis).

(Patanjanjali Yoga Sutras Ch. 1.2)


In order to control our mind we need an in-depth understanding of the mental processes. Vrittis are the thought waves or  mental modifications or ripples of the mind - and yoga means to restrain and control these through self-awareness. Namely there are five vrittis: right knowledge wrong knowledge, imagination, sleep & memory.

'Tada drashtahswarupevasthanam' - The aim of yoga is to develop an awareness of all your thoughts and actions and become the witness (drashta) of all that happens in life.

(Patanjali Yoga Sutras Ch. 1.3)


This sutra describes the need to observe objectively so to disassociate ourselves from the obsessive expressions of our mind that bind us to the senses and sense object. It is due to the identification with our thoughts and feelings that we constantly crave for pleasurable and avoid un-pleasurable things. 

'Yama Niyama Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Samadayo Astav Angani

(Patanjali Yoga Sutras Ch.2.29)


This sutra discribes the 8 limbs of Raja Yoga: discipline. posture, breath control, sense withdrawl, concentration, meditation, realisation. This structured framework is the key for a life of moral and ethical conduct & self-discipline. 

Massage Add-On Options

With a Deep Tissue Massage, masseuse Yvi provides various add-on options which truly enhance your experience:

  • Deep Tissue massage with use of Hot Stones (sourced partially from Brighton & Hove beach!) where the soothing heat of the stones penetrates deeply into tight and tense muscles resulting in immediate relaxation and boosting the effects of the hands-on massage. More info here

  • Rejuvenating 30min Face Lift Massage at a discounted add-on price.  A natural alternative to Botox which helps reduce facial lines & signs of aging leaving your skin look refreshed & glowing. Also relieves tension from head/jaws, thus can help manage headaches/migraines. More info here


  • Or perhaps opt for the wonderfully soothing  Sound Bath Massage add-on of 15-30min: An ancient healing treatment using Tibetan Singing Bowls which are place on the body and repeatedly struck to create their powerful vibrations and sounds. More info here

  • Yoga & Massage Package Deal: For a unique and deeply effective experience, why not opt to start the massage with a bespoke yoga class suited to your abilities & needs? An exquisite package for some well-deserved self-care! More info here

Massage Therapy

Whether you simply wish to relax, have chronic aches and pains or are recovering from injury - Yvi offers a variety of treatments to suit your needs.

Yoga & Meditation

Understanding the relationship between body, mind and spirit opens the door to health and well-being. Get to know simple tools that can change your life.

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